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The Presidium

The Presidium supervises the Council, at the time the Plenary Assembly does not sit. The Presidium is competent to take decisions on questions, which are not adjudicated to another body of the Council by law, regulations, or by the Plenary Assembly decisions.

The Presidium consists of nine (9) members, the president and other eight (8) members elected Council representatives. The Presidium is elected for the period minimum of one (1) year. The Presidium determines the amount of the salary of the executive director and other employees of the Council. The Presidium Takes decisions at the meeting by means of open vote, it is quorated if two thirds majority of all the members are present at the meeting and takes decisions by an absolute majority votes of present members.


  • Miriam Benčíková-Kušnírová – President
  • Andrea Cocherová – Vice-President
  • Petra Novotná Slovak Telekom, a.s.
  • Denisa Pernicová BILLA s.r.o.
  • Ľubomír Tuchscher Slovak Associations for Branded Products (SZZV)
  • Jana Venhartová Food Chamber of Slovakia
  • Marcel Grega MAC TV s.r.o. , Slovak Independent Broadcasters Association (SIBA)
  • Zuzana Ďurčeková Made by Vaculík / Klub reklamných agentúr Slovenska
  • Alexej Fulmek Asociácia tlačených a digitálnych médií
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